Discover How Poetry Therapy Reduces Stress

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The Mind Diet Journey Lecture Series

As a lecturer Steve Jaffe will discuss:

  • How to use the "Art of Verbal Foreplay" to improve relationships
  • How to reinvent your spirit and replace the beliefs and values that no longer serve you
  • How to use rhythm poetry to develop the confidence to achieve your personal and professional goals
  • How to put a positive spin on the 9 to 5 grind: from savoring your morning coffee to enjoying the evening sunset so you can live your life by your own design
  • How stress can affect your health and productivity
  • How to deal with work related stress to learn to love your job again

Steve Jaffe can gear his lecture to fit any subject matter as well as format its length to meet your time restraints. Please send contact Steve Jaffe at with at least tentative three dates, the length of talk you would like, and the subject matter or slant you would like Mr. Jaffe to address to your more below:

Poetry for Health and Healing An Ancient Art for Modern Times

Now, more than ever, it is vital that we heal our inner world. Every day we are faced with challenges, from work, family, illness, and the love relationships in our lives. We need to uncover the secrets of our most brilliant self that remains hidden away, as we cope and deal with our daily stress.

Steve Jaffe understands how easily chaos can drain your emotional well-being. It was in the midst of his own personal crisis, a battle with heart disease, that he discovered the power of the "rhythm poem" - poetry designed for the heart and the mind - as the most effective tool to deal with everything from daily stresses to devastating disease. He lays out his experience in a series of interactive how-to guides, which include Count Your Life With Smiles, Not Tears for creating a life by your own design; Healing From Within: Emotionally Surviving Cancer for emotionally sustaining your spirit while battling cancer, and Beyond Valentine's Day, Making Love All Year Long for anyone wanting to keep the Valentine's Day spirit alive every day of the year.

In these interactive journaling books, Steve Jaffe combines two proven methods of expression: journaling and poetry taking the reader on a wonderful journey of loving all of who you are and embracing the power of who you can become. Doctors frequently prescribe journaling to help their patients express blocked emotions and to improve their chances of recovery. And while medicine can heal the body, the emotional healing is often left up to the patient.

Steve Jaffe combines compassion and understanding with his easy-to-follow format of rhythm poetry exercises. Like a friend offering a reassuring hand, Jaffe leads the reader on an important journey. He communicates his message with positive language, which allows the reader to put a toe on the path of change, taking the initial step to live more fully in the present.

The Mind Diet Journaling Series is designed to:

  • uncover the aspects of yourself that rob you of self-love,
  • bring to light the behaviors that sabotage your relationships, and the
  • change beliefs that have prevented you from living the life of your dreams.

By writing Rhythm Poetry you will be learning how to speak honestly to yourself, creating solutions through your words, and altering habits that have prevented you from moving beyond your boundaries. As your words begin to dance on the page, you will begin to witness that the impossible is now possible.